Everything you need to know about raising happy, healthy ducks
Ducks are the new chickens.
When you find yourself questioning the ethics and nutritional quality of commercial eggs, but you find chickens too reminiscent of T-Rexes, or you simply want something cuter and quirkier ... or your yard is too quiet, your pond too empty ... or you're looking to add to your growing homestead, or for a way to start hobby farming ... or, by mysterious circumstances, a very fluffy yellow duckling has very suddenly materialized in your hands, and you have just fallen into a pond and, through a shroud of rising mist and the distant bellowing of toads, find yourself at the mercy of watermelon-greedy ducks ...
Congratulations, and welcome to Quackingdom.
One way or another way, you have turned to ducks. You may not go back. This site is your map to navigating this newfound territory, to help you when your five thankless drakes are biting your toes through your Crocs and when you're not sure why your flock of Khaki Campbells is living rent-free in your backyard and there's nary an egg to be seen in return.
Raising Ducks is a duck blog written by a hobby farmer with over 12 years of experience with ducks. Learn everything you want to know about duck care, behavior, management, and more with our honest, in-depth articles.